Online & Offline
you can subscribe with our cloud system or installing it on local servers.
Track your inventory deeply and know your needs.
Caller Number
Automatically system will get caller number from mobile to system.
Food cost
Calculate the cost of food and deduct resources from inventory accurately.
Display the recipe to the chef on the kitchen screen or in the Chef’s Receipt.
Food Sizes
Sizing system and cost difference for each size.
Take Away, Delivery, Table
Manage every order on your resturant.
Branches linking
Link all your branchs with one system.
Delivery Agents and Zones
Add your Delivery agents and each zone fees.
Loyalty points
Let your customers earn points to make loyalty with your brand.
Toppings system
The toppings system "means you add without ketchup, without tomato, or adding cheese or any topping, and you can add an additional cost to the topping and also deduct it from the stock.
Division of kitchens
The kitchen system allows you to divide the items into kitchens. When you print the receipt, only its types are printed for each kitchen.
Design your Receipt
Add anything you want to your receipt like barcode , QRcode ,tax id or anything .
Many Reports
Knowing the consumption of raw materials during a specific period in order to replace them , Reports on the restaurant’s profits and expenses, deducting fixed operating expenses for each day and other reports , and more reports that will help you.
Prices Reports
Report on products whose price needs to be increased or decreased.
Users Roles
Create groups for members, and each group has specific roles for each step in the system
We have a high quality team, any thing you want do , you will find it with us.
- Features of Foody
- Monthly subscription
- Annual subscription
- Menu management
- Customers management
- Reports
- Delivery Zones
- Inventory
- Costs and Recipe
- Tables
- Caller Number
- Kitchen screen
- Loyalty Points
- Choose the package
- Basic
- 500 EGP
- 5400 EGP
- Sign up
- Best Value
- 800 EGP
- 8640 EGP
- Sign up
- 1200 EGP
- 12960 EGP
- Sign up